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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

not gonna wait for blogger to get better.
didn't make no wedding vows.


10:31:00 PM

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


and there is something wrong with blogger, so i shan't type much.


i heart mushuuuu (:

8:18:00 PM

Thursday, April 19, 2007

this hiatus has been interrupted. just for today.

hello you. congrats! you're a much better liar than i ever thought you were. tell me to my face please, i don't mind being insulted. its the falsity that gets me.
you say you saw my sister? delighted to hear. she hadn't finished her paper then.
-smiles at you-
maybe im just being an over paranoid little shyt.
an over paranoid, fake, insecure little shyt.
OMG macbeth again. nice to know i can relate to what im learning.

tag replies:
sarah: HAHA. how much you paid the photographer to take a picture of you?
john: awwws. i know my gorgeousness is very much missed! but, you're a giant cheeseball for saying that.

back on hiatus.

3:29:00 PM

Sunday, April 15, 2007

i discovered a photosite for church photos!
and there're pictures for everything! except kuching >.<
i see dom, greg and mikel busy being famous :D
well actually there were more people, but they had closeups.


and with this, i leave you and go on my hiatus.
well, there're always archives if you like reading about my life that much.
which would kinda freak me if i found out.


4:31:00 PM

Friday, April 13, 2007

omg omg omg. scary shyt O.O
today's friday the 13th right, and i was doing that 6 things, 6 people. and guess what! i posted it at 6pm. i just realised. OMG OMG OMG. like that horror movie with all the sixes O:

-that was my first draft. now saturdayyy-

anyway. PICTURES! all from dan, but most of me and moley :/ should've asked for more actually. for ones that WEREN'T of my face. hmmm. people tend to do that- send me pictures of my face. i wonder why :D


haha, uber cute or what! teachers had grey shirts, students got white. and i was thinking that they didn't wash their shirts -.-" at first glance.

my tattooooooo (: refer to weirdness number one.
damn cool please! can't wait to go to church and subtly flash it hee hee.

didn't go to the haunted house :( queue was too long. but i saw people coming out with their hair standing! ever get the feeling you missed out on something really good? pfft.

shooting stall had a good game; dr F had 10 outta 10! he was crouching in front of the table and looking so pro. but watching him, i couldn't quite shake the feeling of watching a grizzly aim, shoot and fire. probably practised on wallabies O: haha, but omgosh! he looked so satisfied when he sauntered off because he won the ice-cream stick gun. he looked like a leetle boyyy (:

i had 3 outta 10 :/ but i maintain the curly-haired laoshi spoilt the gun.
nasty queue-cutting old lady.

ching was dunked many many :D she came over and HUGGED me when i was all nice and dry! i shrieked. then she and celine were PLOTTING to attack me from the sides!!! its okay to want nette all to yourselves yes. but nette needs to be shared and the love needs to be spread all round. i ran away first haha.

rest of the time.. there was food. and IJ superstar..
and there was this teeny little girl with a bombastic voice for the individuals' catergory. she sang aretha franklin's chain of fools. and THAT needs a big voice to carry it off. good for her!
beat, cher and trini. WELL DONE :D

aand gayle nerva came. s'pore idol was a popularity contest ultimately. because her rendition of corrine bailey rae's "put your records on" was gorgeousness. there couldn't have been another reason she didn't make it to top 3.

moley and i were camwhoring (as mentioned above) during the lucky draw. and she was wailing away "why didn't we play! i want my $50 zara voucher!" then the winner went up and moley went"hey! let's split the voucher!"

haha. we didn't even know the girl.

and that's pose number eight! haha, number two was UBER UBER cute. but dan deleted it.
-everyone throw her a dirty look- and i will post just ONE picture. because 1 to 10 (minus number two) of me, is too much. agree? yeah.

your coms will explode from my awesomeness.

ending on a perfectly random note, one of my daddy's beloved discus is gender-bendered.
it laid eggs O:
boy-boy is now ger-ger.

8:14:00 PM

but more on that later; when i get photos. was being a psuedo-kawaii with moley :D
dan will never ever throw her cam away, now with OUR holy and moley faces in it, its far far too precious. HEE HEE HEE. pssst, we have one to ten in her cam.
whoo hoo, she'll get a lovely surprise!

so while im waiting for dan to come online.

These are the rules:
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves.
People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

1. i get at least one tattoo at every funfair i go to (:
2. i like to eat milo powder from the tin (but then again, so does the rest of the world. hmmm)
3. the arches of my feet cramp easily when they're wet. because they get cold! last year my feet cramped during the washing of the feet mass O: they were wet and cold.
4. i get annoyed, but hardly ever angry. takes a lot to make me angry. when i get angry i cry. mmm, so yes. no angry baby.
5. i fall asleep super easily. on the train, in the bus, and.. unfortunately, during chem 90% of the time. so says ching.
6. i like eccentric people. they're highly interesting (: but it kinda depends on their level of eccentricity. (is there such a word?)

umm, okay. 6 people. but i won't bother tagging. you come, you read, you can do.
1. llama
2. sarah
3. cheryl
4. laura
5. john
6. hmm, seems like everyone else has done it.

oh well. hello random stranger! you can do it, yes you can! (:
i am affirming people. would YOU like to be affirmed?

6:00:00 PM

Thursday, April 12, 2007

We were playing in the sand
And you found a little band
You told me you fell in love with it
Hadn't gone as I planned

When you had to bid adieu
Said you'd never love anew
I wondered if I could hold it and fall in love with it too

i always thought he sang MAN, and i thought it was cute. but i always wondered why he wanted to fall in love with a little man. i mean, he's a man. now i know. its BAND. classic example of how people hear and don't listen.

half the time;
maybe we're hearing, but not listening.
maybe we're looking, but we're not seeing.
maybe we're talking, but not communicating.

makes you wonder about a world without technology. or human nature.
maybe we'd be running around catching spiders and playing with monkeys. totally in sync with mother nature.
and still not listening, seeing or communicating.

although if i'd been tipping an arrow with poison-dart frog poison and had a leetle mishap, i should very much wish someone understood me in the single second it took to kill me. then i'd die happy, i'd left my will. can you imagine if your good-for-nothing nephew got the blowpipe you wanted to leave to your niece? and she got your ceremonial thong? O: big boo boo there.

cheer up alright wohnny.

8:18:00 PM

Monday, April 09, 2007

for the past few days, i've been trying to go back to my childhood.

maybe some part of me never wants to grow up. maybe i never intend to. well, fully anyway.
but even as im trying to resist change, the world around me isn't.

yesterday, i happened to be at beauty world- y'know, the one along bukit timah. i used to take piano lessons at yamaha there. now its changed to some other music school. the old brown doors are still the same, the piano gallery is still there. the fire hose outside the school is still there.

but its different. somehow.
everything's so polished. and clean and so not the way i remembered it :(

so i decided to cheer myself up by buying a kinder surprise! egg. and they weren't selling it :(
felt so cheated. i want a tiny egg toy thing. i lost all mine when we moved in 98; nearly 10 years O:

i want to go back to my kindergarden. i want to see the old auntie who remembered my face when i hardly did hers. i want to see the basketball courts where we used to play 'what's the time mr wolf ' and kangaroo. i want to see the kids i grew up with. i want to sit on the side of the wall and put on my shoes. i want to watch the big gor-gors play basketball and wonder what it would be like to be a teenager. i want my timon and pumbaa linoleum floors. i want my cubby hole back :(

i want my childhood back. it ran away without telling me :(
we're playing hide and seek and it never told me when to stop counting.

9:14:00 PM