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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

self awareness camp was well, sort of a disappointment. i cried, but not during the session.
and mass was :( screwed. im sorry 4/4, it totally wasn't with it.

on the bright side( if it can be considered one), i had so much time to emo i would probably have imploded from all the moodiness if it was a day longer. so yes, not so emo now. i think i've figured out my priorities from that phonecall thanks(: and being online's not one of them O:

piano exam's on thursday, and im screwed.

and on a totally random note:
im smelling different everyday! we've got these Lux soap samples at home and each one is just enough for a shower.

sunday: i smelled like a guyyy. hoho, not the smellies that come up on the bus in hordes after basketball prac. the nice clean smelling kind :D and its NOT GUY-SOAP i swear. there's a picture of a chick with long black hair on the front. it just smells. well. guy. im still pretty tickled by that ;) omg, turned on by myself O: ooh er.

today: soap's blue instead of green, but it don't smell as guy. its an improvement.

dum dum. i'll update again when i've finished all the soaps. 2 down, 3 to go.

6:28:00 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

self awareness camp tomorrow.

fingers crossed its a good one.
everyone reading this: please pray for us mass comm. we need PRAYERS. yes omg.

ooh i haven't packed. damn.
but i feel alot better after unloading all the emoness today.
thanks for listening <33

lousy crasher, you know you're highly amusing when you talk to yourself? :D
DOTA doesn't rock, it pebbles. IJ BOULDERS! so SJI can rock, cos well- boulders are bigger than rocks. hohoho.

random people. who the hell is pm by the way?

6:31:00 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

i solved my sore throat all by myself :D
cos im smart :D
and i rock :D

and i think im suffering the side effects of multiple sugar rushes.
cos im yawning a lot. i have a feeling a tummy's gonna appear after cny. NOOOOO.
oh well, get over it.

im getting trashed at taiti and heart attack. HEART ATTACK yes you read right.
but im mahjong queeen.
i've found out alot about my cousins. oh yes.
one has a tummy that screams "TURBULENCE!" haha, okay okay. not in the windy sense. in the 'we have a lot under this shirt' sense. snorts, flabbyflabby HEEHEE.
and another one with a sixpack :O
and all the scandals, of which i am privy to due to my speshal status as most immature cousin over the age of 14. YES. HOHOHO. and oh oh. i have a sub-twin. a 22 year old one, who had the same goals i do, and the flippy glasses. we have practically the same degrees, only his is opposite of mine; left eye stronger than right. sounds familiaaar!

cny's been great. NOW on to self-awareness camp and ash wednesday and oh. daaang. i don't want to screw the mass up.

4:47:00 PM

Saturday, February 17, 2007

that's a song- by the killers.
and i don't like it hmm.

im sick dammeet. sore throat and blocked nose and the doctor's not open >:(
i want my chocolate coins :(

but cny's finally here. and i have catching up to do with the ohana! yes ohana?
currently in love with oasis' let there be love. its old yes, but OH its darn nice.

Come on baby blue
Shake up your tired eyes
The world is waiting for you

oooh nice nice <33

10:28:00 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

one day after valentine's.

truth be told, i was planning on going on and on about the commercialism of it all. i mean, the festive figure of the week is a fat kid with pointy hearts.
then after getting hugs and muchies,i got all fluffy inside.
so i shall save the rant for something else.

hmm, we're having lots of happy occasions aren't we.
now if only people meant it.
togetherness, happiness and all that shit

Who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me?
Who stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams?

6:44:00 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007

you know i've finally lost it when i adopt a pencil for a pet.
and name it woody.

yes, im on an adopting spree now! the best part is, i have no emotional attachment whatsoever to a virtual pencil, so when i get tired, i'll remove the code! right now, yes, its kind of cool (:
i've always wanted a lime green pencil.
and this one came with a free eraser omg! two for the price of one..
how could i resist.

oh dear.
trouble looms ahead.
when i get a pair of scissors, that's a sign-
woodbridge. is a phonecall away.

6:00:00 PM

Saturday, February 10, 2007

GAH. meet clifford all. scroll down scroll down.
i can't get him properly into the template.

i think i'll need your help much please (:
im sorry!
i thought i had him fixed. poo, guess not.

i need help with a math. its not really cooperating. seems to have a bias towards smart people.
OMG. i think i need help.
psychiatric in nature.

if they call in the brain surgeon, hey. im all for it man.
anyone read flowers for algernon? they made charlie smart! unfortunately, his IQ dropped back to 66 after 2 weeks. its a saaad book.

and algernon's a mouse. a super smart mouse who died because his brain couldn't take the increase in smarts. have i mentioned its a saaad book?

llama- they have pet llamas :D you want one?
get a yellow llama! haha, and call him lemon (:
no wait. lucy the llama. yes. lucy sounds like a fluffy name.

what's the noun for random?
randomness, randomality or just plain random.

3:33:00 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007

this must be my favourite!
its so lame! i love it :DD

5:48:00 PM

O level results came out today.
prayer really does work wonders.

i was looking for my mark. (they waste an awful amount of paper for such tiny font.)
and then i saw it.
and i screamed.
then laura came over and hugged me.
and i cried.
heh heh, sorry and thank you (:

i cried, and i don't know why.
dan was all "she's crying for the wrong reason!"
haha. thanks for your congratulations and thanks for being there you guys (:

next year we'll all cry together okay!
oh so weird that sounded.

i really thought i'd fail oral because the teachers laughed at me.

5:24:00 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

im stressed.
and i don't know why.

well maybe i do..
but im not sure.

every night i close my eyes, my brain does an automatic zoom in on some random image it created. like looking through a magnifying glass? in out in out. in the end, i fall asleep when my eyelids shut of their own accord.

and the falling dreams.
before i can fall, i sit up, conscious; heart doing some complicated rain-dance rhythm.
one night im gonna knock my head on the ceiling and lower my IQ by some scary 2-digit number. 2 DIGITS IS BIG NEWS ALREADY OKAY.

these are as close to nightmares as im going to get.
i hope.
why falling?

maybe im afraid of falling and falling.
and realising there's no one there to catch me.

11:13:00 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

does anyone remember this?!
i forgot all about the alligator king :S
but watching this brought back so many memories oh gosh.

i love sesame street, i think quite a few know..
but i haven't found anyone to yatter on with. everyone grew up so fast :(
its so funny! all those jokes i didn't get when i was younger, AHA. now i do.
i think there's another post long long ago about 6 feet under.
trawling through my archives is not an attractive past-time. SO i shan't refer you to it.

there're MORE ernie and bert episodes :D
but i'll save them for next time.

9:13:00 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The night is full of holes
Those bullets rip the sky
Of ink with gold

from U2's vertigo (:

i bet everyone has like favourite lyrics or words from somewhere.
then again, i'd better stop betting.

stars. in kuching they were white.
and then there was one night the clouds all came out!
and there were so many i was looking for shapes between the clouds.

stars are powerful.
they make you feel small.
and the night there were stars, lots of people were emoing and crying.
but i haven't seen stars for a long time.

can we have a night where everyone switches off unneccessary lights please?
take 5 to look at the stars.
when was the last time you saw a full constellation?

Stars lookin at our planet watching entropy and pain
And maybe start to wonder how the chaos in our lives could pass as sane
I've been thinking bout the meaning of resistance, of a hope beyond my own
And suddenly the infinite and penitent begin to look like home

4:32:00 PM

pooh lah. so much for telling people to sleep early. after this, i shall have a 4 hour nap and wake up to finish the bloody maths assignment. STUPID DIFFERENTIATION AND SILLY GEORGE >:(

all you smart people don't talk to me about the D Topic. hops around. it ain't fun and it ain't easy. shall reply to tags here, cos im tired of spamming my tagboard.

cheryl: its okay! me , beautiful and sexy are part of your class too :D we'll do junior cats together next year, with the llama and name-stealer. hoho

lauraaa: im getting tired of oxymorons. now its puns (: cos "puns are phun"! and i shan't credit myself with that one. didn't think of it, nope. i will most CERTAINLY not name myself abel-shittim. that one's reserved already! haha, but you gotta admit- it'd be terribly funny :D

sarah: eeyer! of all the people to propose to me, this one comes along! haha, sarah ann-marie, i don't wanna marie you >.< marie-ing a marie is not marie-ish.

okay, the last tongue-twister thing was my brain screaming for rest. -mutters- not like it didn't get enough during lessontime.

last point-
if someone is always unpredictable, wouldn't that make him/her predictably unpredictable? so would he/she then be predictable?

i think im gonna name myself a french nut.

12:39:00 AM