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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

Sunday, December 31, 2006

don't write this song off yet.
mccartney actually did a pretty good job on this.
its from disney's Peter Pan II: return to neverland.

its my new favourite (:
a lot of songs i've been introducing huh? haha. i like em, and i just discovered the miracle called
"blog this track". heh heh. stop rolling your eyes you guys.

well, 2006 whizzed by.
i still remember the first day of school. and mrs mah standing in G407 talking to us.
i remember i thought dan was scary :D
now i know she's not. OR IS SHE.

i remmber adventure camp, the whole bus was crying after it. i hate it when people cry, cos its a leftover-baby-syndrome thing. i start tearing, and that is so not good for my image :P
and parish camp, new friends!

and omg. the freshest memory is definitely kuching.
i made friends there i bet im gonna be seeing for a LONG while.
yes sexy, beautiful, anak, macho brows?
but i don't think the kampung peeps want me back.
no worries, i don't think we'll be going back to the same village.
we might not be allowed back.

i guess i wanted to thank all you guys who made 2006 memorable.
but to prevent any heh, diplomatic errors. i think you know who you are (:

happy new year all.
cos there's always faith, trust and pixiedust.
if that don't ring a bell, why haven't you listened to the song?!

9:15:00 PM

Saturday, December 30, 2006

i hate goodbyes.
you'll be reading this over there?
check your email please (:

the rest of you guys, knock yourself out with this .
its incredibly sappy and what i grew up on.
i love this song (:

hoo boy.

3:46:00 PM

Friday, December 29, 2006


i bet i freaked you guys out with the previous post right.
im sorry :(
i was bored, feeling random and drowning in self-pity.
but im okay now!
pity party over (:

do you know internet capacity (is that what its called?) in indonesia is below 17%??!
and all random peoples are called to sacrifice their internet usage for more important stuff.
like national issues and rescue operations and well. stuff.
yeah, i dig the number 17, but harsh.
others are having it worse. im cool.

oh. on the junior cats issue- i decided i won't be one.
i'll be doing P1s next year, so cute!
not that uh. you guys aren't.
different appeal (:
im sorry all you 2006 sec 2s AND jessicallama (sarah! that name's damn catchy) and sarah (are you one?) and all the other junior cats.

i know i said something different, but next year's O's man.
i might not be able to commit myself.
and you guys are gonna get confirmed. its IMPORTANT.
if i can't give it 100%, i'd be letting you guys down.
yupp. said my piece.
okay, maybe it was typed. but you get my drift.

on a brighter note, my fingers are behaving (:
and thanks for your haha. concern-
jessicallama (its addictive that name!)
sarahh (i think it was concern..)
macho eyebrows! (okay, that name's sticking with you. like it? HEEE. i do!)

im actually feeling gorgeous, but what the heck.
you like this version, then you should listen to michael buble's one.
different, but the same.
but i prefer this (:

and i have a newfound appreciation for snow patrol's make this go on forever.
i used to think it was draggy and blah.
but now.
i dunno, just clicks with me.
pseudo-emo right me.

im feeling good, and i want it to go on forever.
don't wanna listen to what sarah has to say..
psst. spot any song titles?

12:46:00 PM

Thursday, December 28, 2006

my fingers are on strike.
they're not being very nice to me.

playing all the wrong notes.
pushing the wrong buttons.
feeling all funny..

no wait.
that one's my tummy.
it feels all wonked.

my brain's just thinking of feeling wonked and going on strike.
cos see, that's what its supposed to do.

how queer.
can you actually think of feeling something?
aren't rational thought and feelings supposed to be two separate things?

right now.
they're kinda bunking together.
doin the sleepover thing.
with the marshmallows, and pillowfights. and gossiping.
what's a sleepover without gossiping.
i can just imagine Rational Thought in pink jammies with yellow bananas.
Feelings.. hmm
lime green nightgown with monkeys and..powder blue bunny slippers.

this is depressing.

i feel like having a banana.
i feel like rambling on some more.
i feel like talking to you.
i feel like a giant doofus for blogging this.

does doofus come in plural form?
cos Rational Thought and Feelings are doofi.
D-O-O-F-I (doo-fye)
i swear they are.

6:44:00 PM

its an oxymoronic song! average ordinary everyday superhero (:
from disney's The Pacifier. the one with vin diesel. i think he did a much better job in the macho man VS cute kids department, as compared to arnold swazzeneger (is that how you spell it) in the kindergarden cop.. that one was just plain stupid. -shakes head- YEEESH.

talking about pacifiers, this reminds me of desiree's contribution to The List: PACIFIC WAR!
and i thought of another one- indefinitely forever. 'definitely maybe' was one of oasis' CDs i think.. that's what started the whole oxymoronic craze.

anyway, i think im getting tired of oxymorons. but i do wonder how they came up with the word.. i can just imagine some crazy guy in a hospital ward, with a tube coming out of his nose, and him saying something really stupid. oxygenated moron.

okay, that was mean. anyway, went to check it out-
noun use of neut. of oxymoros (adj.) "pointedly foolish," from oxys "sharp" (see acrid) + moros "stupid."
yes, no furthur explanation unfortunately.. but if you have nothing better to do, check this
out. its pretty interesting. etymology- study of the origins of words. my name isn't there (drat!) but sometimes you find your name has uh.. more than one MEANING. hah, shan't mention examples.

like i was saying, im getting tired of oxymorons. what do you call stuff like..
"whining like a grape" and 'blubbering like a whale"? a cross between a pun and simile- punile (pu-ni-ly)?

OH. what do you call a cross between a bulldog and a shih tzu?
haaah, its pronounced sheed zoo. which is damn lame please!
'scuse me. i'd like to buy a sheed zoo please. sheed zoos are incredibly charming, full of sheedzooish charm'

SHEESDZ (sheesh) :D
a slip of the tongue is inevitable. if you ask me, they shoulda left it at shizigou, the original chinese pronunciation.
(then again, you didn't ask)

6:26:00 PM

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

with this song :D

listen to it, honest. then i bet it'll get stuck in your head, and it'll drive you crazy.
and you'll have me to thank for it!
pleasure's all mine (:

its a sad song.. but it isn't emo.
its about this guyyy, who loves this girlll, but they never end up together.
and the lyrics- here, sing along!

You give your hand to me
Then you say hello
I can hardly speak
My heart is beating so
And anyone can tell
You think you know me well
But you don't know me

No, you don't know the one
Who dreams of you at night
And longs to kiss your lips
And longs to hold you tight
Oh I'm just a friend
That's all I've ever been
'Cause you don't know me

I never knew
The art of making love
Though my heart aches
With love for you
Afraid and shy
I've let my chance to go by
The chance that you might
Love me, too

You give your hand to me
And then you say good-bye
I watch you walk away
Beside the lucky guy
You'll never never know
The one who loves you so
Well, you don't know me

You give your hand to me, baby
Then you say good-bye
I watch you walk away
Beside the lucky guy
No, no, you'll never ever know
The one who loves you so
Well, you don't know me

mmm, im listening to it now as im blogging.
its sleepy, relaxing music...
and it finishes too fast, dang.

love it? i bet you do.
if you do, tell me! then we can hold hands and squeal gayly.
if you don't.. well. just don't tell me.


6:02:00 PM

Sunday, December 24, 2006

my first post using BLOGGER BETA.. or something like that. anyway, trivial.

christmas is coming in one hour and 20 minutes.
and i have a confession.

i opened half my presents already. tee hee.
-twiddles my toes and looks shy-

what the heck.

john posed this, and i felt i should ask you guys before i forget:
happily ever after VS no such thing.
is there really a 'happily ever after'?
my first response was nope.
humans are greedy by nature, even if we'd found what we were looking for, we'd probably want something more.
i suppose our happiness comes from searching for perfection.

(to add on)

OMG! 12.04am, christmas morning. and i've just gotten an epiphany (:

GOD IS PERFECTION. so when we find God, we have found perfection, and then, we find happiness and live happily ever after. so when we've found The One, and we get married, we live happily ever after, because the couple's love is centred around God!

so even if we're NOT talking about marriage, as long as we live our lives in the Lord, happily ever after ain't so hard to achieve.. is it? trust in the lord, for He is your shepherd. -"we walk by faith and not by sight"-

thank you Lord. i think i've finally understood what The Perfect Joy means. christmas came right on time!

All i need now is inspirational music-but somehow the only thing that comes to mind is mariah carey's All I Want for Christmas.

Make my wish come true, baby. all i want for christmas is YOU.


10:39:00 PM

Friday, December 22, 2006

where do i begin.

Mt singai:
spent 3 days 2 nights there. did Stations on our way up carrying a brick each, and i swear. no joke, some flights of steps are practically 90 degrees! looked daunting, but we made it (:
the air there was delicious, and the water-fresh from a stream i bet.
seriously! im so proud of me and all the other niang- niangs, 9 days i believe, of COLD COLD water. the second day there was the most productive. we stacked definitely over 300 bricks, and had reflection. for me, that was the pivotal point of this whole trip.

we were all supposed to find our special space in the longhouse and reflect (yeah, im shiny!( okay, never mind)). i picked the back door of my room, over-looking the bamboo forest behind the longhouse. totally peaceful and unfortunately totally public; i cried like a waterfall during reflection. everything poured out. but the experience was beautiful.

the view from the back my dorm! guess which bed's mine :D

Kampung Gayu:
rom mt singai, we moved down to the kampung and OMGOSH. the people there are one of a kind. they were really warm and nice. and did i mention the cats and dogs? (grins)
2 dogs , 1 kitten at my 'home' and that was like lame, compared to others.

[our 'brudder' house (haha, group 3 lah) had a gabazillion cats. and there was this giant orange tom who reminded me so much of garfield. cept it was a bit gay.. it had tendencies towards guys. heh heh. feline elton john!]
the kitten fell asleep on my lap okay! but it chose to fall asleep when we were leaving. lousy timing -.= i wanted to grab it and run away. i settled for pictures, but we couldn't bluetooth it!! dang.

caroling and walking in pitch darkness. for the first time in my life, i saw Orion, and not just his dang belt. i would have seen the Big Dipper too! if there weren't so many other stars ^-^V

christmas tree delivery is a euphemism for a hell lot of walking. that's all i have about it. the kampung is huge, and they had lots and lots of plantations. anytime, you could grab some random fruit off a branch and chomp it. (except for durians lah, those- fall at night. )
i loved the atmosphere there!

rambutans, real ones! on a tree! (cough) where we were

the last day rocked. the entire kampung came to see us off, and we had presents from our hosts! my group got woven baskets (: then the kampung youth did One Way, MORE MORE MORE, and the macarena ( i have to teach this one!!) and its was ka-razy. all the jumping and dancing ..but WOW. if our P&W were like that.. WOW.

St Lucas:
the stars here were the same as those in the kampung, but here. we had a huge space to lie down and emo. stargazing rocks. the thought of each of those twinkling dots being about 53765897230 million times larger than you is mindblowing.

and the jokes! i know sticky, leafy, corny jokes! and long stories! and ghost stories! and knock knock jokes! and lame jokes! okay, wait. i believe the last one covers all the above.

and there were the orang utans (which we didn't see) but we KNOW are there.. yay for conservation! and i got touched by a horny makcik, on my butt man. disgusting.
at the sarawak cultural village, it was super interesting. there were lots of guys in thongs :D
hahahahaha. and not in slippers. mind you. sarah and jessica kept giggling and giggling.
perverts! but dang, no pictures of them. sorry! i know you guys would have wanted to see..

this is SO MUCH FUN. if you can't see me, im the one nearest the floor.

its an authentic guitar, sarawak style
i had a fantastic time at kuching. and i wouldn't have without all my OHANA (:

group 12 (:
sexy and beautiful and anak (:
group 3 (our kampung brudders!) (:
and all the rest of the kuching people. (:

now i end this post with wise words from a sheep with a very low voice.



9:44:00 AM