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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

Thursday, August 31, 2006

church camp rocked. heh heh- deja vu. its been what, 4 days since camp. paiseh lah! but i haven't had time to sit down and type happily. i was in group LOOOOVE( you have to say this slowly and sexily. honest, for impact.) eh, at least we didn't get named kindness, or heaven help us. i think there was a group named chastity, and another named piety. (stifles snort) now im being mean. anyway-
yay! i made more new friends! finally i know my juniors (besides you and genn lah, clarissa ).
-nods head happily-

kimberly, nicholas, chris, dominic ( who let the whole wide world and his spotter (me lah) see his pink boxers with hearts ( it takes a VERY VERY secure guy to wear those, i assure you)), and adela and agatha! thanks you guys. you made camp happy happy (: and juicy! I WILL TREAT YOU TO ANYTHING ONE DAY OKAY! cross my heart and hope to (cry).

ice-breaker, was ironically, freezing. no ice broken. i think icicles formed around some of the group members. we were supposed to intro ourselves, and sing a song from any boyband. be sporting lah! it wouldn't have killed you (shoots pointed look at a couple of spoilsports)
i sang 'i dooooo, cherish youuuuu'. wahaha, famous song. shucks, i can't remember who sang it.
oh wait. yes i can- 98 degrees! yupp.

AYUB ROCKED. yeah! loverboy- because our group's name was LOVE and he was our instructor. he's so nice lah! im guessing one of the group members (female of course!) has fallen for him. shh, can't tell. not sure anyway.

we bonded in the end. after the seesaw, we were warming up to each other.
we did lunch. i was in charge of the veggies. those that ran away, i don't blame you. but veggies prevent constipation! i had POWER for like , the whole of 25 mins before we were told to go eat.

rock-climbing- i didn't fall off like mayonnaise. no nette didn't :)) but we got the crummy wall with missing handholds, no fair. not complaining though! and then nicholas got a nickname. i just liked disturbing him lah. apparently he has a sister in sec 3- shall go find out who.

but my FAVOURITE ACTIVITIES during camp were P&W and the milo pond. wahh, after you see everyone dripping. YOU BOND. oh my tian, i must have gone 4 or 5 times. 4 i think. WHOOSH. damn fun :))))))))))))))
and chris taught the sec1 and 2 guys bad words in spanish- i was the only girl who was interested. bah. so cool! why you dontch wanna learntch neh?

*eres un cerdo gordo (this one is terribly mild im afraid)
*chupa mis pelotas ( this on the other hand..)

wahaha. camp was so fun. (i'll post pictures later when i have ones of the whole group)

do you know:
-i unwillingly saw the underwear of 3 random juniors in the span of 2 days. of the opposite gender. black, brown and.. uh- pink with pretty hearts.
- psalm 91 rocks
-i lost my phone. at a church camp somemore
-there were tiny tiny buggies all over ( and i mean ALL OVER- in the toilet, in the amphitheatre.. EVERYWHERE)
-fr JP looks so normal in well. normal clothes heh.
-what did batman say when he got rolled over by the batmobile?
"bianfu sia" is literally batman in chinese, but it becomes PAINFUL SIA! hahaha, geddit?! haha. okay, not that funny. but funny enough!
- i love campfire songs ((:
- i want to be a camp instructor!!!!


5:30:00 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

i didn't want to come home. the milo pond! crummy dorm with the sneaky rat, oh, this one i have to tell. and oh! "eh handsome!" haha.

some random little whiny junior:" i heard there was a rat! i'm really scared of rats."
the first time, its alright. after a while, hearing 'rat', 'rat' and 'im really scared' gets on your nerves i tells ya. we were on the TOP BUNK. thank you very much.

rock-climbing. ooh. another time, i've been hogging the com for a while.
in the meantime, i don't have a phone. so don't call or sms please.

10:02:00 PM

Friday, August 25, 2006

Learning Module

5:52:00 PM

WHEEEEEE, im going to camp!
and i have..

1.letter to the editor
2. stupid speech on saving the earth. oh no no, its not the saving the earth part that's stupid. OF COURSE NOT! its the part where the ENTIRE speech is supposed to be written in chinese >:(
3. e maths worksheet
4. chem test on tuesday

shucks. on the bright side, my mommy says she'll help me write a letter to explain my unfinished homework! yayness (: not that im gonna take advantage of that. and we got a fantastic english assignment- awareness of AIDS. haha.
its a group thing and everyone gets to choose their role as a doctor, a drug abuser, person from an organisation raising awareness about AIDS (wow that was long) anddd, my personal favourite- a sexually active individual. snorts, but im serious.

so cool lah.we watched some video where animals discuss us. i like the TIGER!!!! he's so furry, and he's a bengal tiger, so he has an indian accent. i'll post it later. then you can ALL watch it!
camp (: and i haven't packed.


5:31:00 PM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

aww, now im sort of wishing i'd joined ARC.
so fun! you get to go overseas, and meet new people, and learn lots of new stuff.. and skip school for legitimate reasons.. hell, the only new lifeform i've met this week is the squashed lizard on court. rats. it wasn't even alive!

2 schools from the USA came over( cos they'd partnered our school) and showed off Miss Daisy, their funky robot with the rabid blue flower-face.
whoo, one of the Americans was introducing the robot (which was happily whirring at the back of the hall) and the OM was standing next to it. hahaha, so the fella went :"and one of the most important team members, Miss Daisy!" (to be honest, i was expecting a woman. i didn't know who she/it was then mah.)

the whole level turned around, and whoops. heh heh. instead of the the rabid robot( yay for alliteration!) we expected, we see the OM stoning, then he realises everybody's looking at him, and straightens up. whooohahaha, i was chuckling to myself.

oh yes, and what is it with the name CHRIS?!
-shoots look at dan and mrs kawaii-san-
(sings) have yourself a merry little CHRIStmas. heh

yes dearest dan and mrs kawaii-san (: have yourself a merry little CHRIStmas, haha.

4:30:00 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

i was massaging my grandma's feet last night, and she was telling me about the war. i have a damn cool grandma (: the lady knows how to clean GUNS okay! during the Japanese Occupation, no work, no money, no food.. NO HAPPY. so she and her mom and sister went to clean guns for the soldiers. 50 cents for a day's work. but they didn't work for the money.. workers were given 1 kg of rice and 'huang dou'(yellow beans), so she worked for food to feed her family.

she was around 13 when the war started. omg, so sad lah. 12, 13 years old and you say toodles (i actually typed 'sayonara' until i realised it wasn't politically correct for a post like this (heh, i love these brackets within brackets)) to the rest of your childhood.
the first day the bombs dropped, exams had just begun. but nobody went back the next day. (no school no exams mah! go back for what?!) no lah. it was the bombs. i wouldn't be all let's-go-kill-the-idiots-who-pichat-my-school, but its still, you knoww, MY SCHOOL. bomb do what?

at night they went back to sleep in the kampong (near some kampong mailu, i dunno. something like that; i've never heard of the place), but they had stuff on standby. two sets of clothes, a few biscuits and a weetle bit of money.
sometimes the jap soldiers would bang down the door, looking for trouble and uh.. female company. (she would have been about 13,14. plus, her mother was young- you knoww, nubile dainty little things... ) so they'd run out the back door with their on-standby stuff, down the pig-path, to hide in the tall grass field behind. her granny would stay behind and tell them big scary men there weren't any pretty young things for them.

(ooh. i know this is uncalled for, but can you imagine: dingy hut, old granny, so smelly.. and fei xiang and the Carabet people suddenly pop up and start their song/dance thing. THERE'S YOUR PRETTY YOUNG THINGS! heh)

okay okay. i complain about having to wake up early. shucks man, drunken soldier with ONE thing on his mind ( coughs-yeah, we ALL know what thaaat is) and pointy bayonet is SO not the ideal alarm clock.
and the planes that flew over in the middle of the night, spraying bombs. then they'd run into their self-made bomb shelter made of mud, and watch the 'rain'. apparently its just like TV. damn, i can't imagine a 13 year old going through all that hell :(

then i got this email from my auntie, and its damn nice.

there are millions out there who have so much less, i guess we really should count our blessings huh.

4:20:00 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006

this is the FIRST time i've seen Pooh used this way. its hilarious!

5:22:00 PM

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

10 things i hate about you...
is possibly the nicest show i have watched in a while (excepting Pirates of course). its full of one-liners and heath ledger is.. (was).. hot. yes (: whoo hoo! the movie's adapted from Shakespeare's 'The Taming Of The Shrew' , set in a modern-day high school- starring heath ledger (duh) and julia stiles.

OMGOSH, then he sang the 'i love you baby' song- you knoww, the one they used for the Carlsberg ad that propelled it to even greater fame??? anyway, he sang that to her and OMGOSH IT WAS SO NICEEEE!!!!!!

Michael:Sweet love, renew thy force.
[Start of Shakespeare's Sonnet LVI]
Patrick:Don't say shit like that to me. People can hear you.
oh oh! another scene-
cameron:And, umm, here's another problem. Bianca said that Kat likes... pretty guys
Patrick: [slowly rises, confused] Are you telling me I'm not a pretty guy?
Cameron: H... he's very pretty. He's a gorgeous guy. [Gives Patrick two thumbs up]
Cameron: Gorgeous guy.
Michael: Yeah... I... I... just wasn't sure.
[They nervously smile and Pat slowly sits down again]

tada, the rewritten sonnet that gave the movie its name!

I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

and here's him looking all hot and thinking "ah crud it, i made her cry." after she runs out of the class. crying ( i suppose this is redundant huh.)

go watch it! its super funny. and guess what, imdb has like all memorable quotes for you! hehh.

yeahhhh, my new favourite show :DDDDDD

4:44:00 PM

Saturday, August 12, 2006

wahhhhh. last night's bbq was cool :))
me and jessica went. i wanted to check out Psalm 91. after hearing them, whooo. i have to stay home and PRACTISE like siao until im as good as them. then, i will join them and knock your socks off!
who knew keenan could cook? his 'corny dog sauce'- why the name so corny? haha- was damn shiok.
heh heh. i know a secret nobody else does (: mr and mrs kawaii-san?!

hahahahaha. seriously, the both of you would look so good together! yeah. mr new york has inspired juice to pick up guitar and drums. then we can join the youth music ministry together!!
we stayed back after the bbq to listen to them jam. whoa, this guy is multi-talented. he was playing some blues riff, damn shiok
then some other guy.. gene i think (whispers-he has his own band; Sherrinova) took over.
ahhhh, they're so cool.
i think mr ny's got himself some groupies! juicy ah juicy.. someone was checking you out!

10:58:00 AM

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

this is disgusting. global warming >:((
temperatures reached 31 degrees last month. AT THE FREAKING ARCTIC.
(this is were i would insert some colourful language if this wasn't going to be published)
people in the Arctic are buying aircons. its supposed to be cold there! brrrrr, cold. freezing cold in fact. and it is not. 31 degrees, why not just come to SINGAPORE! hey, we've even got durian over here. save elecricity, save our earth please.

oh this is sad. israel and lebanon aren't coming to a ceasefire either. hizbollah will fight until israel stops bombing and pulls out its forces. can SOMEBODY OUT THERE DO SOMETHING?! its damn sad lah :(

poo. people-heck, and me- make fun of those bimbos parading around in their swashes of taffeta and silk and what not, flashing their brilliant pearly-whites at lousy old ah peks and saying world peace.

but i really do want world peace.

12:29:00 PM

Friday, August 04, 2006

the plaster does work! bye bye nailbiter nette :)
i think im living my life in a series of reruns.
10 years ago, i was sitting on the kindergarden lino and showing off my plaster.
this morning i was checking my plaster out during bio. i say, methinks it looks as attractive as it did a decade ago.

and being totally random and bored, lookee 'ere! all done on paint, heh heh. don't kill me if it don't look like you.

self portrait. haha, belt so high :) but don't look very much like me huh.

ching eeeee! my fellow trouble-maker!

dan, the trendsetter. haha, look at the hair.
the woman actually has long hair.

im sorry, all those with specs! very hard to draw bespectacled people without making them look like geeks. and im not sure if you want to be drawn. anyhow, these 2 are easy to draw, heh heh.
im testing the waters. if ching and dan don't chop off my head next monday, then we see how yeah :)

4:22:00 PM

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

whee, today was more uh.. interesting than normal.
WE DID THE HEART DISECTION!!!! OH IM SO HAPPY :) it was DARN FUN!!! everybody was screaming and eww. boycott fast food- seriously. the fat around the heart is SOLID. no joke.

its darn cool. at first we all didn't dare touch it, we were happily poking it with the instruments (i almost typed utensils. heh), and desiree and i were sawing away at it. actually reminded me of steak! we named the first part we cut off Flippy, then Floppy, Flappy and Fluppy before i ran out of vowels :D
then rachel came over poking and playing with the bottom half of the heart. she wanted to give it to lao shi- yi pian xin yi! haha. after that it was pretty cool, i stuck my fingers into the aorta and explored. FUNFUNFUN :DDD trini and marissa were running around with their fingers in the aortas, wearing rings topped with grotesque bloodied 'diamonds'. wahaha, it was damn fun.
only thing is, the mutton smell sticks to your fingers- smells like blue cheese. bleagh. we were walkin around with the smell of Death on our hands.

then the SCO came for assembly performance. oops. me and ching were clowning around, then we got pulled out by the DM. she had the impression the music wasn't our kind of thing. actually, we were laughing BECAUSE of the music. they were playing some kind of cheena romance song- the kind you'd hear in 1930/40s chinese shows. you know, that kind where everybody's an incestous freak and cousins are sweethearts.. the guy rides the bike with the girl's arms around him and her head resting on his back... into the sunset...
ahh, the kind my grandma hums when she cooks!
anyway, me and ching were hamming it up.

"biao ge!"
"biao mei! "
(imagine the cheesy music, and grassy fields)
"wo hao xiang ni ah..."
"wo ye shi ah biao ge!"
then we were cracking our heads laughing and She comes and tells us to get up and walk to the back of the hall :/

oops. then we stood there until everybody went out. crud, i didn't know i knew so many people. wah, practically EVERYONE didn't meet my eyes. please! dearies, im the one who was being punished. poor ching, she started laughing, cos that's what she does when she's scared. MY DEAR BIAO MEI! BIAO GE DUI BU QI NI! im sorry ching!!! lucky we didn't get into trouble.
i was afraid she'd do an impromptu spot check and find my 'tattoo'. oh well. lesson learnt. WE SHAN'T SIT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. -nods head-

training was fun, overhead serves. then cos there were 2 others from another class, training was even slacker. yeah :) but im the SHORTEST ONE NOW. stupid coach. HAD TO POINT IT OUT.

7:38:00 PM