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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


i swear, next time i see some poor soul SELLING FLAGS. heck, even if its 5 cents i'll drop in the spare change. AND ITS NOT COOL to decline flags, just take the darn thing and walk!!! poo.
some people were nice. i've learnt not to judge based on externals.the GROUCHIEST looking old man, and the bouncer-sized fellas were one of the nicest people i met. all the repectable looking people are the meanest. they just sweep past you without even acknowledging your presence!!!! meanies.
then there was the weird guy.

me: (smiling)hi good afternoon sir, would you care to donate?
(stick out the flag bag)

weird guy: aiya, okay okay. but next time don't give me that pathetic face ah.
(digs around in his stupid pocket)

me: thinking-say what??!
then i opened my eyes and LOOKED at him, okay, maybe a little glare.
okay, maybe not a little. he was walking up to wisma. if looks could kill, he'd
have dropped dead on those white steps. idiot.

weird guy:(must have noticed the dagger-eyes)joking joking only ah.
then he ran off.

STUPID *beep-beep beep-beep*!!!!!!!!
wah seh.

then there was the nice brit who said "look, you've only got one tag left! i'll just take that and then you can go home eh?" his smile was so sincere!
i didn't have the heart to tell him my shift just started.

in all, i pretty much learnt something; approach the ones that look the least likely
to give. they're the ones that give. and ALWAYS approach the all guy groups! one gives, the WHOLE GROUP DOES TOO! oh so cool :) i figure this is some sort of exploitation, but heck! i got 6 bucks out of a group of 4.

aw man. i wanted to blog about dinosaurs. I WENT TO THE SCIENCE CENTRE TO SEE SUE THE T-REX!!! and i have picturesss! but i'll do it another day. and its time to change blogskinn. *audrey, not because its your blogskin k.. wanted to change it anyway yeah :))*

10:57:00 PM

Monday, May 29, 2006

awww, first day of hols and i hafta go back, of ALL things! maths. POO.
ah well. at least i wasn't alone :)just one week, and its OVER! then i can wake up late! no more eyebags! whoo!
oh yes;


2:34:00 PM

Sunday, May 28, 2006

POO. ever since my brother snapped the string, i haven't been able to buy the 3rd string for the acoustic. which means i'm stuck with the classical. AND its making me grumpy.
which weirdos manage to break all freaking 6 strings at one shot? i bet they'd make more money if they sold it single. POO.
breaking the 3rd string is bad luck. you gotta go up to the shop person and ask to buy a G-string. heaven help you if he's a man.
bahhhh. i wanna go to the Piano Man's shop. the piano man's got this eye for hiring good-looking assistants. hmm, dunno if the last one's still there. but they sell strings in a pack too.

7:50:00 PM

Friday, May 26, 2006

X-MEN!!!!! OOOH, iceman is HOTTTTTTNESSS!!!!! and Angel's abs are ohmygoshsupercalifragalisticexpealidocious. haha, wow. the movie isn't really the thought-provoking type that leaves you wondering bout the existance of mutants. its more of the whambamalakazam type that makes you forget to take your hand out of the popcorn bucket, cos you're still trying to make your brain register what just happened.

oh myyyy.the beginning that introduced Angel was really sad. he locked himself in the toilet, camera shows all these reddish stained feathers. then his dad comes and demands that he open the door, and he panics really badly and tries to hide all the tools, that are covered in blood.
the door bursts open and the dad, who is some minister or something goes "oh no, not you too" in this tone. then the poor kid, who's what, 12? cries and buries his face in his hands, apologising for something that was way beyond being his fault! he's already looking so freaking pathetic, then suddenly they show his back in the mirror behind him. two nubs of flesh with a few white feathers still hanging, and there's blood down his back.then you realise;

"shit. he tried to de-feather himself."

OMG. its damn sad!!!! people from the original X-men died, so i don't suppose there'll be another one at all.but there were a few things i didn't expect-
jean grey's not pretty!! and neither is scott hot. poo, she looks a little horsey if you ask me. but shadowcat is REALLY pretty and so are storm and mystique! plus, i didn't pay enough attention to the comics. i had NO IDEA the Juggernaut was a Brit!!!
but i bet the actor playing him had a lot of fun.
they found him in the same trailer jail as mystique. and were deciding whether to release him. and with magneto right in front of him, he just grumbled that he needed to GO, in his funky brit accent.

ahh, just watch the movie. if there isn't a storyline, there's always the eye-candy ;D

8:29:00 PM

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

RONIN.. i wanna goooooo. but once i get my report book, ha. i won't even need to see the light of day. goodbye my tanning oil, you can gather dust over the june hols. hello a maths work, we're gonna be seeing a hell lot of each other.



8:50:00 PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

yayyyy! finished the banner! and its superduper FUNKILICIOUS!oooh, everyone who walks past will be BLINDED by its awesomeness (or the tons of glitter that we liberally sprinkled). we added yellow! so now its limegreen,yellow and white. oh, and the diamonds with the pretty gradients- i claim credit! ego-pok me.but seriously, its nice. thanks pawra and dora and mush and all you other banner girls for doing a funkilicious job, rock on 3/4!
oh yes, the other classes have funky banners too. BUT, ours still the best, cos i helped x)

i painted this vine thing down my arm with all the extra paint lying round on the tarp. wheeee, body graffitti. its so nice! but i have to wash it off :( or rather it'll come off by itself when i bathe. oh well. maybe i'll stick that arm outta the shower, so the tattoo'll remain there forEVER! then there'll be real plants on it and i can show all my grandchildren!
"see, grandma hasn't washed this arm since 2006"
haha, ewww. gross.

zarh, now im torn between wanting to keep it and wanting to keep clean.poo.
when i grow up i wanna a tattoo!!!! maybe a scorpion..nah, too havoc. ooh, a tiny ring of thorns somewhere un-noticable. i like i like! but im probably too chicken. seeing needles go into flesh gets me squeamish. i shall get the semi-permanant ones! yeahhh :))

4:13:00 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

dang. ITE won't even want me. i managed to fail BOTH e maths and a maths. and fail VERY prettily too.
e maths- 48 (d7)
a maths- 18!(f9)
and im not too proud or happy with the rest either. i have no idea how to calculate L1R5 but the total is 2-digits!
english- 65 (b3)
im darn sore about this. how'd it manage to drop so far? damn teacher who marked my essay changed the tense and totally changed the feel of it :(
chinese- 61 (b4)
this is apparently normal.
biology- 70 (a2)
only paper i studied that wasn't crammed the day before, and still. sore doesn't begin to describe it.
chemistry- 73.5(a2)
damn, i lost a few marks to carelessness. ALL i needed was 1.5 more marks to a1!!!
SS- 15/30 which makes it 50%
whoa, this was the first time i've seen my paper get L1, L2s ONLY. heck, never even gotten an L1 before.
haven't gotten back history yet, so i won't know the total grade.
literature- 64 (b4)
highest in level was 65 point something, so i guess im alright. missed ONE point to b3 though

so the total grade is 31!!!!!!! omggggg, and that's WITHOUT ss/hist. oh dammit.

12:24:00 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

checked papers and watched MACBETH, the Roman Polanski version. its not really accurate, but it IS better than the accurate but totally boring BBC one.macbeth is actually kinda good-looking, for one, he's NOT BALDING. plus, he's younger,has a visible jawline AND he has a living barbie doll for a wife! hmm, okay not really barbie doll material- she's CUNNINGGG. barbies are empty up there. then the witches weren't all old and ugly. the youngest one was definitely model material. she went "ngeh!" and flashed her black Calvin Kleins at macbeth.believe me, you need LEGS if you wanna show your undies and still be completely unmortified.

OH, and there was a kissing scene!whoa,it was totally tobey macguire-kirsten dunst. funky showw, mrs alex's gonna show us more :)

oh yes-dang. i didn't make my IC.went ALL the way to lavender with pawra, THEN it hit me that i forgot my birth cert, baptism cert, and all that stuff you need. double dang. but since i was already there, i went to take my IC photo. its still sitting quietly in my wallet, and its gonna STAY there until i FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO GO WITH ME! took so long to find someone, and i forget to bring MY stuff. zarhhh, this is one of the few times i get exasperated with myself.

me and pawra actually went in and saw this looong queue of people in front of the photo-taking booth.went in and queued until noticing some sign that said 'photo-taking: levels 3/4/5. so we went up to the 4th floor with a shorter queue. then one of us must have looked like we were dying, cos this nice lady came and told us there wasn't a queue for the 5th floor one.

ahahaha. see what happens when you're in uniform? x)so me and pawra took ONE more up, and there WAS a queue, or so we thought until i asked the woman in front of me. damn, we stood for 5 mins in the PHOTOCOPYING QUEUE!went in and dithered until the lady noticed us. WOW that lady is cool! she was multitasking like nobody's business.
so there was only another lady for who needed her photo taken and we were all trying to be nice and let each other go first. yay me!i went first.

feels different, go try!(haha, you'll have to) sit in a white box with only your image looking back at you.i got bored, so i made funny faces. you know that pufferfish one i do? dang, after i came out, i realised- EVERYONE OUTSIDE SAW MY IMAGE AS WELL! aw man, no more pufferfish.

then waited for pawra to finish and we walked back to lavender. and ON THE TRAIN we saw this eurasian guy with the MOST oshkoshb'gosh eyelashes. wow.
maybe its maybelline ;D

7:46:00 PM

Thursday, May 18, 2006

IM 15 15 15!!!!! yay-funkaye fifteen! gonna make IC with pawra on friday cos im.. 15! ahahaha.apparently i was born round noon. doctor was threatening to "SARK MI OWT" if i wasn't coming along nicely. yeah, i did come out eventually- SLEEPING! yeaah, i figure that's the reason i fall asleep so easily during class. nothing like the perfect monotonous maths teacher voice, complete with the innate supersleep-ability to help you while away those dreamy afternoons.

had a funky day. step into school, and lyn shouts HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEANETTE! haha, no way she could forget..her birthday's also today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYN! all you funkilicious people, THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRESENTS!!! i loves them! especially the picks from juicy- i'll try really really REALLY hard not to lose them! and pawra and TY-thanks for your um, PROTECTIVE tanning oil :D shall try and make the best use of it. thanks also all you guys who wished me happy birthday, and becca! for your funky fountain pen :)

ahhh, i think im already slightly darker from lying on the tarp. we were supposed to be doing the banner, but we had no plan no paint no BANNER! so we discussed and discussed, halfway i got tired of sitting. so i lay on the tarp and continued lying down after the banner discussions..im such a pig ;)then TY and her hwa chong people had to come, me,ching and our fellow piggies were all bolting up. silly ching- gave me a shock. im lying there enjoying the faint breeze, laughter around me, sun on my face.. then she suddenly jerks me up fiercely whispering "chinese high guys!" i got up and looked around frantically.aw man, exercised my under-utilised stomach muscles for scrawny juniors.

zarhhhh! they weren't even lookingg. so i lay down again and admired the clouds floating, and this crow comes and flaps onto the zinc roof above. so im half-conscious; staring at his feathery butt above me and i remark lazily "hey loook. that crow's lifting his tail"
the importance of my remark hit me a second after it did everyone else. suddenly there was this MAD scramble to get off the tarp. HAHAHA, it was damn comical! there was this funny "zwor zwor" sound(that the tarp makes when you move) and 3 seconds later, we were standing in a row looking at poor mush on the ground and the wag-a-butt feathered exhibitionist above her.she just gave us that 'uniquely-mush' look of hers.

sigh. i love birthdays. especially mine ;D

7:10:00 AM

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

thanks you guys who tagged :)) sweet of you. but i have gotten over myself. heck, there're like a gazillion people out there who've got worse troubles. like congenital heart defects and no homes and no money and no pianos and no food and no guitars(!) and no family and no TV and no internet(!).. the world could do without another grumbler.

sooooo, im okay, but thanks for being there, well here ;)
oh yes, upon request of her royal highness spongebob HOTPANTS;D, im spongebob... SQUAREHAIR. okok, you meanies can stop laughing now. its because my hair's square lookin and all, so i was grumbling to hotpants about it, and I CAME UP WITH THE NAMES!!! hahaha, yeahhh
(refer to her blog for more details- the convo is there)
so meet HOTPANTS and SQUAREHAIR!!!!haha, we're distantly related to a yellow sponge somewhere along the evolutionary chain.

oh YES! the peanut. ooh i loves the peanut! :DD
me, moley and wong were walkin after school, then we were talkin and talkin. then something comes up bout moley's higher IQ. aw man, i was laughing so hard i can't remember the exact words.zarhhh! but it was moley and wong were talkin bout EQ and IQ. then wong goes

wongsy: you got the IQ of a peanut lah
moley: well you got the EQ of one
(silence. me and wong were thinkiing of a comeback)
i started to say something about peanuts that come in a pack, then wong choked out

HAHAHAHAHA.i love walkng the back gate with moley and wongs.ooh WHEEEEEEEEE!then wong went off and me and moley were checkin out the cute guy at the busstop. haha, i LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!!! :DDD

8:41:00 PM

Friday, May 12, 2006

haha, me and wong are damn lame.
'to think i thought' is me, trying to get her to stop the accent at first. then i decide to join in the fun.
'!!RAWR' is wong, high on glycogen stores.

to think i thought says:
stop it with the translavanian accent!
!!RAWR... says:
Ok ok i vill stop!
to think i thought says:
you stops now!
!!RAWR... says:
to think i thought says:
or i vill sark your blurd
!!RAWR... says:
to think i thought says:
rubs hands
to think i thought says:
yesh yesh!
!!RAWR... says:
I vill steeck zomezing unpleazant up your great behind!
!!RAWR... says:
to think i thought says:
to think i thought says:
youz just vait
to think i thought says:
not eef i steecks it vurst
!!RAWR... says:
OOh. Zere ieezz terror in moi's heart
to think i thought says:
yous doofuz
to think i thought says:
moi; zis is french iz it not?
!!RAWR... says:
you are dee country bumpkin...
to think i thought says:
on contrare
!!RAWR... says:
parisians NEVER talk like zat
to think i thought says:
tis you who has proven to be so
!!RAWR... says:
to think i thought says:
!!RAWR... says:
!!RAWR... says:
to think i thought says:
twirls suddenly sprouted moustache
to think i thought says:
ah non non
!!RAWR... says:
!!RAWR... says:
zis unglamour!
!!RAWR... says:
it ees killing moi!
to think i thought says:
oui, i was 'opin so
to think i thought says:
c'est manifique!
!!RAWR... says:
ah...non non (reaching for louis vuittonbag)
!!RAWR... says:
take zat! AND zat!
to think i thought says:
to think i thought says:
!!RAWR... says:
proceeds to bash bumpkin up with style and elegance
to think i thought says:
youz is hurting me really badly!
to think i thought says:
heetz my left
to think i thought says:
heets me right
!!RAWR... says:
tramples the salsa with ferragamo shoes on you
to think i thought says:
!!RAWR... says:
!!RAWR... says:
sacre bleu!
!!RAWR... says:
moi ees late for moi's salon appiontment
to think i thought says:
ah nonnon
to think i thought says:
we cannot have zat now
!!RAWR... says:
(hair blows stylishly in wind)
to think i thought says:
can we
!!RAWR... says:
(tosses hair) ah...unteel ve meet again madmoiselle tubby
to think i thought says:
idiot! take that! and that!
!!RAWR... says:
!!RAWR... says:
not ze face!
!!RAWR... says:
not ze face!
to think i thought says:
with my jimmy choos!
to think i thought says:
stomps prettily
to think i thought says:
boom boom!
!!RAWR... says:
(screams in terror)
!!RAWR... says:
moi's beautiful face!
to think i thought says:
be off with you!
!!RAWR... says:
cralws ogg into the sewer...
!!RAWR... says:
to think i thought says:
and stay zere!
to think i thought says:
flicks long tresses
to think i thought says:
and twirls moustache
!!RAWR... says:
( sobs hysterically)
to think i thought says:
flick. twirl.flick.twirl
!!RAWR... says:
I vill get my REVENGE!!!!
!!RAWR... says:
YOU dandy!!!!
to think i thought says:
flings prada bag on shoulder
to think i thought says:
exit stage left
!!RAWR... says:
shakes wrist limply.
!!RAWR... says:
!!RAWR... says:
(lights off)
to think i thought says:
wong exits stage right

long yeah. but you didn't have to read all of that you know? ;D

9:41:00 PM

Thursday, May 11, 2006

oooh, im so happy! i love this time in between exams and post exams :)))
i been getting my life back in order- playing whatever i want instead of having only enough time for scales and exam pieces, getting tabs, bloghopping.
sigh. this is THE life:)

i've found the lyrics and chords for 'obvious'! so pleased with myself. its one of Westlife's lesser known songs. yeah, i KNOW its a boyband, but this song's incredibly sweet! hm,its really old too! like when i was P4 i think..

We started as friends
But something happened inside me
Now I'm reading into everything
But there's no sign you really like me, baby
You don't ever notice when I’m turning on my charm
Or wonder why I'm always where you are

I've made it obvious
Done everything but sing it
I've crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong)
I'm not so good with words
And since you never notice
The way that we belong
I'll say it in a love song

I've heard you talk about
How you want someone just like me
Every time I ask you out
We never move pass friendly, no no
You don't ever notice how I stare when we're alone
Or wonder why I keep you on the phone


You are my very first thought in the morning
And my last at nightfall
You are the love that came without warning
I need you, I want you to know

I've made it obvious
So finally I'll sing it
(I've crushed on you so long)
I'm not so good with words
Since you never notice
The way that we belong
I'll say it in a love song

The love song I`m sing it until the day you're holding me
I've wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrong
I more than adore you but since you never seem to see

Since you never seem to see
I'll say it in this love song

its NOT corny. its sweeeeeeeet :)next time i'll post lyrics to bohemian rhapsody, its so funkalicious!actually wanted to learn to play it, but its pffft, only for the experts. im serious bout that- its freakin hard! and the silly solo is played at fret 32. bah.

11:11:00 AM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

arhhhhhhh! lousy bugger of a blog. i think i'll hafta change.. stupid thing suddenly got rid of the colour, font size and whatnot.. is that supposed to even happen?

screwed up A maths :( last few minutes, everyone was scribbling like their lives depended on it, and i plomped down on my desk. couldn't figure out anything already. dammit!!! if i fail, im grounded for the hols. sighhhhhhhh

hmm, why does everyone say "i'm so screwed?" after doing their papers? collecting papers and tsi yin whispers the famous words- 'im so screwed'. arhhh, i couldn't resist it. i muttered 'who screwed you?'when i walked past. you screw the paper up! not that it screws you..

bleagh, i hate stress. but thanks all you guys who were trying to get me to relax:))
kesh-for making me practise breathing in and out:D felt like a pregnant woman
human stress ball!- for, well,taking the time to listen to me stress out :)
tsi yin, moley and lauraaaa- for stressing with me! misery loves company ;)

zarhh, but if i fail chem, i blame the invigilator.
i walked up to the board and saw that someone wrote "3 MORE PAPERS!"
so being the SMART(ducks rotten tomato). INTELIGENT(ducks moldy papaya). BRAINIAC(ducks the flying fruit stall) that i am, i picked up the same red marker and scribbled "only!" behind the sentence.

then just as i was standing there admiring my work, who should come storming in like an angry rhino but the invigilator in question. she practically HURTLED through the freakin door and yelled at me.

omg. best case of wrong time wrong place. she thought i wrote EVERYTHING.she was like, "clean the boa-ard" in her weird accent. ohmegoshness, of all the silly.. then she told the rest of the class that she wasn't waiting.so i was wearing out my shoulder cartilage frantically trying to finish. and THEN i rush out to put my stuff, and i forget my calculator :( then during the stupid MCQ i was distracted cos she was giving out the strings. for some weird unexplainable reason, i thought she was going to come behind me and clear her throat really loudly or something :/ just to distract me.

wow. this post IS random.

4:42:00 PM