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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007

Thursday, March 30, 2006

wheeee! went to school at 6.30am for the dry run of GOOD MORNING SINGAPORE in chinese. arhhh, they made us stand there to keep practising saying "zao an ni hao, xing jia po"!!!! dooosh, we kept thinking it was the REAL thing. the show selected our school to do the episode about chasing idols.so because it was the FINAL episode of campus superstar, they got one of the finalists to come down and shoot it live with us. two of the girls from our school went to the studio and were on some talkshow thing together with the girl from campus superstar- theresa, from katong convent. she seriously looks way better in her school uniform. yay IJ! in the mags, she looks.. well, NOT so niceee.


the shooting went okay, but the camera caught me cos i was sitting infront of renfred and the hosts. but in my fleeting second of fame, i was STONING!!! arhhh. the poor hosts were trying to make us more enthu, but according to feedback from family, we were looking super bored. oh well.

after the shooting, then all of them were like, swarming around him. if i were him, i'd have become an immediate claustrophobic.BUT, we managed to get a pic with him! not that i support him or anything.. i don't even watch the show. but i was being kaypoh.. :D

arhhh. my hair is too FLAT and PLAT.gross man. i wanna take another pic!!! me and si ying were plotting to kidnap him and make him smile and take a pic
with us. but poor guy, he looked really tired after signing all our stuff. some of them made hin sign like 5 PAGES! that's seriously unfair. then siying din wanna go to jail, cos she hasn't finished watching her TVB drama serials. the government should just plop us infront of the tv. our crime rates will be soo low, they'll go beyond the x-axis. yay mr ng.. im LISTENING during lessons. not sprawled and drooling on my calculator :)

maybe i'll watch just ONE episode of campus superstar. the last episode.just because..

8:00:00 PM

Sunday, March 26, 2006

i got childrens' liturgy for pastoral attachment..

it'll be fun, but i wanna do the Kids' club! i know auntie carol and i worked with some of the kids for last year's christmas pageant :)) BUT, i got kid lit for the 9am mass, along with my fantastic siblings. bleagh.

i'll make the best of it. make new friends!! arhhhh, i wanted to do cathechism cos my mommy and sister made it seem so FUNNNNN.. hai, cannot carry on tradition. 'neh mind... i can wait ;)

but read this: Classifieds

WHOEVER'S found out what location
compassion (heart's imagination) can be contacted these days,
is herewith urged to name the place;
and sing about it in full voice,
and dance like crazy
and rejoice beneath the frail birch
that appears to be upon the verge of tears.

I TEACH silence in all languages
through intensive examination of:the starry sky,
the misnanthropus' jaws,
a grasshopper's hop,
an infant's fingernails,
a snowflake.

I RESTORE lost love.
Act now!
Special offer!
You lie on last year's grass
bathed in sunlight to the chin
while winds of summers past
caress your hair and seem
to lead you in a dance.
For further details, write: "Dream".

WANTED: someone to mourn
the elderly who die
alone in old folks' homes.
Applicants, don't send forms
on birth certificates.
All papers will be torn.
no receipts will be issued at this or later dates.

FOR PROMISES made by my spouse,
who's tricked so many
with his sweet
colors and fragrances and sounds
- dogs barking,
guitars in the street -
into believing that they still
might conquer loneliness and fright,
I cannot be responsible.
Mr. Day's widow, Mrs. Night

-wislawa szymborska


8:19:00 PM

Saturday, March 25, 2006

i am a destroyerrrr.

but how was i to know the weird bug on the bathroom wall wasn't a weird bug?? it was two buggies doing the nasty... ick.

and i sprayed out their guts.. arhhhh. i christianed them romeo and juliet upon their death. but i couldn't tell which one was who... just that they were CONNECTED at.. well, the ends. oh, im damn grossed out. i might have just destroyed the last surviving species of that bug, faithfully trying to carry on the family name..then whoops comes along this giant who screams in disgust and blows their innards out with the shower.

bleagh. spring ; there's gonna be all these lovely animals trying to hump the opposite gender. fantastic, i was watching National Geographic and they were exploring the reasons some old people seem to live for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.. ah, you get the picture.

and they were showing lions and froggies and giraffes and hyenas.. all freaking humpingg! yeeeesh. they should censor this stuff. apparently, that's the best way to live for ages, so you can bother your kids once they're all grown up. but would older citizens want to die? if they're faced with pressure to do so? if they feel they are a burden to their family?

should the human race have the ability to decide when they can die? i mean, nobody decides when you're gonna be born.. but its a question of the quality of life against the sanctity of life. the Church is strongly against euthanasia, just like it is against abortion. but abortion isn't fair cos the baby hasn't had a chance to live yet. However, if you're suffering, then its a freaking living hell every single day you survive.

animals don't decide when they die, but there is a species of bird who refuses to stay captive. if the nestling is caught, the mother bird looks for the baby bird, so she can feed it poison berries, cos they'd rather die than be controlled by their captors. so isn't that in a sense, assisted suicide? humans put pets to sleep all the time, if the animal is in agony, we'd be putting it outta its pain.
but when we tip the situation to fit humans, suddenly THERE"S THIS HUGE FUSS.

some argue that the reason we put animals to sleep is because they don't have a sense of self, that they don't have a higher order of thinking, like we do. they don't know what's happening to them..
But human babies don't develop a sense of self until they're,at earliest, a few weeks old. would it be fair then? to kill a new-born baby? it doesn't know what's happening to it either.

horrible isn't it?

3:35:00 PM

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Because its Lent, and i don't wanna carry this emotional baggage around, i'm gonna blog it. maybe you'll read it, and maybe you'll know its you..

Dear you:
we've been like really close since forever. but lately, we haven't been.. maybe its me, i dunno..
we used to talk about everything. you talk some, i talk some.. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THAT??? now its i say something, half the time you get on the defensive and well..i try to ignore it but the conversation sorta goes down the drain.
last year it wasn't so bad, but you've just been getting more and more dismissive, like you've got something to prove to me specifically. its NOT a competition or whatever you think it may be. I've never tried to compete with you, and i don't intend to.
i'm sorry, i guess im not brave enough to tell you face to face, but im sick of grumbling behind your back. so what if your parents compare us? im not gonna change the way i dress, or my grades. make them see YOU. not what or who they WANT you to be.
you know what, maybe its all just a giant misunderstanding, and maybe im just being over-sensitive..
i hope i am.

3:45:00 PM

Monday, March 13, 2006

P&W!!!! is something EVERYONE has to go for. i dunno, since i started playing for the charasmatic group i feel like i'm closer to God :) even though i don't participate in the healing first-hand, or give testimonials and all that, its like i get this HIGH after every session. just from playing. those who talked to me after might realise...

so fast forward to saturday night. got nothing to do at my grandma's house cos none of my cousins wanna learn the My Side song. i mean, come ON. you guys are what, 3 yrs to 7? you should still be drinking milk outta those cans of specially formulated stuff that say "for 3 to 7 years old"!!! they grow up so fast..
or maybe its just my stunted mental development. but WHICH kid doesn't want to learn such a cool song??! i even did a demo. maybe THAT'S what put them off.
so, because i was bored, i went with my auntie to fetch my other cousin from SJI, cos IHM was having a youth rally thing in their PAC. for all you
people-who-think-i-think-SJI-is-a-cool-school out there, i DID NOT go to see guys, thank you ver
y much. which sane guys go to school at 9 plus? huhhh..
i was boredddd, see. nothing else. so i went with mike and godma to fetch becca!

the youth rally took longer than expected, so i loitered in the canteen. i'm fully envious of their school. arhhh, they've got SIX vending machines, and cool tables!!!! wood and metal.makes ours look like a primary school canteen.. or worse. only thing horrible was the food and dirt on the table. bleagh. so we walked tp the PAC, then we walked back. and i was in my shorts and tee lah! made me blend in with the guys who were staying over for some school camp. my relatives were so tickled cos all the guys i
walked past turned their heads. PLEASE, they were trying to figure out if i was a guy or girl.

then, sunday morning- i washed cars!! SMOTA's youth group was having a car wash to raise funds for the church, so i went to help out :) all the short guys were the ones who drove the GIANT SUVs.

go figure.

10:12:00 AM