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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
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Friday, February 24, 2006

i know i already posted something. THEN, i went bloghopping and found this on laura's, who got it from yee hui. go see!

the Johari Window: http://kevan.org/johari?name=nette+:))

9:13:00 PM

Sunday, February 19, 2006

ahhh, i woke up at 5.45 am to get ready for ANGELS IN THE PARK. but it was sooo worth it. the sunrise was fantastic!!!! couldn't resist it and took 2 pics thru the MRT window. must have looked like an idiot BUT who cares? i'd upload it, but i have no idea how to. the silouhettes of the stadium lights and transmission towers against a background of pink-rimmed, cotton wool clouds and a purplish, light blue sky..

in church, kelly was the only one there from our class. so we waited, and waited for the rest of them to come. before we went up to the piazza, everyone was collecting their balloons. so luckyyy.. i think the duckie, pig and cat were the cutest :)) then there were the dinosaurs, which looked like frogs when they were upside down, and the chickens! those were a waste of whatever one uses to make balloons. then kelly's junior came and gave her a coupon to redeem the balloon. FOR FREE! ehhh, generous, these younger people.. they make me feel old and miserly. so kelly got a duckie!!! i actually wanted a piggy- but so did everyone else. bah..

so everybody went up to the piazza, and they had this guy who came up and tried to make everyone warm up with him. chhehhh, only the ah peks and ah mas were doing the warmup.. everyone in our year was standing there and stoning:D

FINALLY! we set off! kelly dared me 50-measly-cents to run down the hill with the duck. it wasn't worth it but i just did it for the heck of it. i mean, how often do you get to run down a slope with a balloon duck on one side and 50-odd people on the other? so i raaannnnn.. and got shouted at by the poor guy who was trying to control the traffic and some idiot girl who ran out in the middle of the road with a balloon- eg. me. my parents should start paying more for my insurance. the life-threatening things i do...

so while kelly was going into hysterics laughing at my stupidity, she was smart enough to lose tessa, and so was i. so we, rosemarie and clare grouped up with the most familar face in front- Nicholas and friends..

they had TWO maps lah! and we didn't -well i actually- didnt figure it out till rose-marie pointed it out..and for no apparent reason, i had to ask for the second map. and they gave us the po-kok one lah! meanie poks.

so we were supposed to look for 2 golden angels and other 20cent coin sized ones. but i don't really think anyone cept gabriel was lookin. we made our way on the red path cos the guys din wanna take the green path. "its not challenging enough" they said..

after that, we made our way to the Pond Plaza. pretty uneventful until this woman came screaming that she got TWO golden angels. wah lao.. we couldn't even find ONE. chehhhh..
by the time we reached there, only the families with the little kids were left. guys started trying to skip stones. i think someone managed to.. me and kelly just threw stones and watched them go PLOP. then;

we walked back to church. past these fitness buffs or something, doing their exercise in one straight line to techno music. no lyrics- just" one! two! three!"in chinese or some dialect..and going "hah! hah! " macham brainwashed. brainwashed enough to do that in public anyway. the old man leading the exercise was so fit, i felt tired just watching him. says a lot bout my fitness, doesn't it?
then the guys started saying "hah!" in time to the music, embarrassing but funny:) then kelly dared me to run down the hill with her. this time the duck was tied to my bag. i think my mommy would have freaked out- straight into the busy main road we went. lucky i stopped before i touched the road. then we jaywalked like everyone else. and that was pretty much it!

* i finished typing this FIVE days after the walk itself. parental guidance rocks.*

6:01:00 PM

Saturday, February 18, 2006

oooh, praise and worship was fun. i went to play for my mom's charismatic group.. i was the 3rd guitarist!

considering uncle phillip, the organist, din come, i think we did pretty well:)) or maybe they were all just being nice...BUT, they all sang too fast and i wasn't familiar with the intros. so there.

that said, it was kinda cool. there was P&W, then everybody kept quiet. so i also bowed my head. there was this feeling of expectancy, but cos it was my first time, i didn't know what to expect see. so the whole room was silent then somebody spoke. it was damn freaky and i wasn't expecting it. apparently, the speaker hears a voice and just repeats what the voice says.OR they get a compulsion to say something.. the first time it was an old man who spoke. i think it was a passage from the gospel. second time, it was an old lady... (hmmm, i just realised all the people there were pretty old.)

after that, there was a reading from this sunday's gospel bout the 4 friends who lowered their paralysed buddy thru the roof so he could be healed. i thought it was apt, cos after that they had a healing session.i didn't particiate though.. the old people scared me.

especially the little old ladies. their murmurs of agreement- "yes lord, yes, yes" were moving. but considering that these senior citizens (wahaha, how mean of me) spend half their lifes nursing a sore throat, but got eerily high voices. like LGM..

11:40:00 AM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Do doctors give out MCs for depression? i wonder how long those will be..
cos i FREAKIN need one right now!!!!

i knew i shouldn't have gone to get my hair cut :((
my FRINGE is gone and i look like a bloody auntie on her worse hair day.
maybe the doctor will take pity on me and give me one, so i don't have to face the world tomorrow. hell..i bet she's got better hair than i do.

argh. i don't even feel like lookin in the mirror.
ever get that feeling when you know you've stepped on something incredibly gross like a decaying lizard, and you can't bring yourself to look at the bottom of your shoe because you're afraid of what you might find ?

oh ****. i just remembered angels in the park is this sunday. AAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
i know appearances aren't everything.. but first impressions DO count and so must the impressions after that! i'm gonna give myself a nervous breakdown..

oh screw the hairdresser, and screw the idiot i want to see me. maybe if i close my eyes really really tight, nobody will notice me. i shall blend in with the trees, be calm, be at one with nature..

oh screw the damn monkeys for good measure.

4:05:00 PM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

this rawks man, ms tan gave the ENTIRE school thursday off, cos the sec 4's did great for their 'O's. the rest is supposedly for the teachers, but heck, its still HOLIDAYE for us! *oh glee*

argh,. then again, a holiday right in the midddle of the week feels weird.plus, that means ALL tests pushed to Friday.. :( bleagh. then wakin up and being at church on sunday at 7.friggin30 am. inhumane freak who came up with the time..i suppose it will be fun. then i can see everyone in their NOT so sunday best... :D

i wonder what they'll wear.. i hope people walk their dogs at the same time we go for the treasure hunt!
waiting for sunday to comeee...

6:37:00 PM

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

i've changed my mind. guys who wear purple shirts are admittedly not gay. so jessica, you can go wear your non-existant purple tee on sunday*grins* .and i guess that means guys who wear pink nike shirts must be equally non-effeminate. maybemaybe.... still maybe.

i've got nothing against guys who wear girly colours. but if you were born with XY chromosomes, the least you could do is prove it. and as far as proving it goes? my theory: hot guys can wear any colour in the entire universe and still look supercalifragaslisticexpealidocious.cos they, haha, don't need to prove anything.

niwae, back to he who changed my stand against
without needing to elaborate, of course,he was cute. and the one thing that made him stand out from the green, drab, dirty, SBS bus seat was his... wait for it..... PURPLE SHIRT!!!!

it was this shade----> purple. erm, a little bit lighter.. a pastelly kinda shade. he was sitting next to a girl, so i was thinking
" oh how sad, he's taken."
i kept my eyes off him.. well, maybe i sneaked a peek once or twice. BUT, movin on. reaching the interchange( end of ride), i noticed that the two of em were asleep and leaning against each other.
"ah, so sweet lah."
then the bus stops and i realise that they were actually brother and sister. cos HE looks 16,17 and SHE was like 7,8 with two yellow fluffy pompom things in her hair. argh, and there i was, thinking she was a petite teenager.

so there.
for all i care, takashi kineshiro can go wear a purple tutu.. ( hmmm, but there ARE rumors going around that he is _ _ _, so not a good example.)
alex polstra!!! ( but he was featured in LIME wearing a pink poloooo. *all who have seen my sketchbook might have noticed*)
orlando bloom can wear blood-red stilletoes and still look oh so supercalifragaslisticexpealidocious. (but we're talkin about the guy who wore freaking tights for the LOTR series!)
oh gross.

the world is against me.

3:19:00 PM

Monday, February 06, 2006

how fun man. just went to the doctor's and she gave me TWO days MC. oooh, how nice :))

i've got a high fever, sore throat, body aches and a lovely lot of antibiotics. i am such a lucky girl.

9:31:00 PM