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Houston we got a problem
Ground control couldn't stop them
I wonder why, I wonder why
You never asked me to stay


cheryl teo
joanne lim
sarah cheong
tsi yin

6 ixora




October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
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October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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April 2007
May 2007

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

i'm not sure what to think anymore.. i didn't really think it was anything until i got an unexpected reply..digressing..

this song is one of the songs i grew up with... consoling times. and the lyrics are sooo nice. i'm such a fuddy-duddy and i'm proud of it! all the old songs that our parents used to sing to while weaving daisy chains and and making peace signs in between protests to save our earth..

Nights Are Forever Without You
P. McGee (c) 1976
Performed by England Dan and John Ford Coley

lying in bed with the radio on
moonlight falls like rain
soft summer nights spent thinking of you
when will i see you again

soft and low the music moans
i can't stop thinkin about you
thinkin bout you
i didn't know it would be so strong
waitin and wondering about you
i didn't know it would last so long
nights are forever without you

the curtains still dance with the wind and the sky
the sun'll be coming up soon
but i just can't sleep for thinkin of you
here alone with the moon

*sigh* so romantic..

6:41:00 PM

Monday, December 26, 2005

i've actually already posted a post, but then i remembered this song.its by joni mitchell and its sooo nice i decided to share the rest of it.

Both sides now

Rows and floes of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
I’ve looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It’s cloud illusions I recall
I really don’t know clouds at all

Moons and junes and ferris wheels
The dizzy dancing way you feel
As every fairy tale comes real
I’ve looked at love that way
But now it’s just another show
You leave ’em laughing when you go
And if you care, don’t let them know
Don’t give yourself away

I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take, and still somehow
It’s love’s illusions I recall
I really don’t know love at all

Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I’ve looked at life that way
But now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I’ve changed
Well something’s lost, but something’s gained
In living every day

I’ve looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It’s life’s illusions I recall
I really don’t know life at all

7:08:00 PM

merry boxing day! its called boxing day cos people used to go around after christmas with boxes and ask for stuff. money i think.. not too sure.. oh well, betcha din noe that!

the kiddy pageant on saturday rocked! everything went accordin to plan :) it was a success!! oooh, it rawked.. my 3 favourite farm animals- bradley, sandra and sophie.
bradley, cos he's so cute and good-natured. sandra cos she rocks playing a cow, excuse me, calf. and sophie, cos she's sooo incredibly cute. that said, i'm never helping out with the pageant again. everything was.. TOO cute.shudder..

christmas was fun too. yummm..
-chocolate cheesecake
-portabello mushrooms stuffed with cheese and sprinkled with bacon bits
-turkey ( cranberry sauce is grosss with meat)
- ham( cloves stuck in ham are gross too)
- lamb ( except for the part where some relative kept baaing and humming mary had a little lamb)
- beef...
aiee, after all the meat, i'm ready to go vegetarian until the next christmas.maybe... maybe... maybe.. nope. never. my fav present were the earrings from godma! then the miniature electric guitar the height of my phone from becca..

*sigh* christmas is over. i wait 12 months for these two special days and its over in 48hrs. how anti climax.. but still, i enjoyed this christmas. i actually spent my holidays doing something meaningful..can't wait for next christmas and its food.

in the meantime, i'll settle for chinese new year :)

6:21:00 PM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

got this off sam's blog.. think it sounds like me?

Name'>http://www.go-quiz.com/acronym/acronym.php">Name / Username:

Name'>http://www.go-quiz.com/acronym/acronym.php">Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

1:20:00 PM

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Ahhh, i'm sufferin from post-camp withdrawal symptoms. i feel like going to sit by the the church walkway at 1.15 in the morning, walkin up the steps to find sandra.. heck, i even miss the toilets.

camp rocked. new environments are fun,and i did so many things i'd never done before. like sittin in a lorry, sqooshed up in the back of a tiny goods vehicle with 8 people, running round town and hardly sittin down( i'm a lazy piggy and proud of it!), listening to jap songs with mark, washin the church toilets( camp duty), seein the look on people's faces when we gave them the items, sittin outdoors in the middle of the night... i made new friends too! sandra, mark, ryan, rachel, bernice,eve.

camp started on friday. cos the name of the camp was(cue star wars soundtrack) "T.A.G,The Amazing (G)race- running for things that matter" , we had an amazing race round singapore! well, mostly round town. whoa, it was super tiring, i think we ran up and down citylink mall more than thrice, suntec city twice, and that mrt station outside raffles city maybe four times! happy places; bad memories..shudder. so niwae, we had to do tasks at each station- Esplanade, Raffles,Far East Shopping centre. we got the far east station mixed up with far east plaza, so we wasted round 25 mins lookin for a non-exsistent station master( the angel). argh. funniest part of the race was at raffles. one of the tasks set by the angels was to carol 5 songs at the steps just outside the mrt, so we stood there and practically shouted the carols, so no shame.then some manager of raffles city came and asked if we were busking.

yupp. sweaty, dishevelled bunch of youths with an audience of two (the angels) carolling amazingly tunelessly outside the mrt. we're DESPERATE for money man! should have put up a sign to make it more authentic. " need $ to go back home. will do anything" please lah.fiona was like, one more song! one more song! so he just stood there and black-faced us.

we made it back third. not bad right. there were only 3 teams.after dinner, we packed the food and stuff. slept at round one. it was horrible. someone kept coughing this scary hollow cough, and it was like sleeping in a freezer!

woke up early and restless. kept pacing round waiting for breakfast. i was HUNGRYYYY! then we wrapped the bags in another one so it wouldn't break. then lunch and we were off! sat in the lorry. it was super fun. i was the most comfy. so short, only banged my head on the roof once coming back. some people weren't home, so we lugged all the stuff up countless staircases for nothing. cheat my feelings. but it was nice,seeing their faces when we gave them stuff. pity i din get to see more..

then we had dinner with the st vincent de paul's families. we carrolled for them, with only like, less than 1 hour of practice.i couldn't stop laughing the first practice. i din mean to be mean, but whenever i hear a group of people singing offkey, it really really tickles my funny bone.

it has happened before. my family met up with my parents' old friends and kids, and they all got together after dinner to sing. the guitar was awesome, but the singing was ridiculous. i think i snorted while laughing, and had to walk away. embarrassing reaction, but i'm stuck with it.

back to dinner. all the facils said we were great. the guys were all singing their hearts out, and the girls were more of backup singers. we sang deck the halls, jingle bells, hark the herald angels.. oh myy, that was the best. one of the guys started off in the tune of deck the halls. and we all followed. that song got less than half-hearted applause, but i suppose we deserved it.

after that was bingo .at first, we were all slightly awkward. then i saw the rest standing at other tables, so i went and asked an old lady if i could help her.bad move. she started telling me bout the electrical cords nearly strangling her 6 month old grandson. oh myy, so graphic.. traumatised for life. i saw her grandson, he was so cute! first baby who took the initiative to smile at me :))

poor thing lah, she got a full house, but she din get any prize cos of a miscommunication. she was blaming poor paul and its my fault.. oops.

since it was the last night, we din have a lightsout. after the dinner, me and mark drew on this HUGE piece of mahjong paper. it was cool, just like a jammin session with a pencil :).waited to wash the toilets after everybody finished bathing. actually intended to bathe after i washed toilets. went into the room, and saw all happy and fresh. immediately felt like a raisin among the grapes. so in the end, i just mopped away the footprints and waited for my turn. finally bathed at round 1.30am or later. then i sat listening to jap anime soundtracks on his mp3. its quite interesting, there're 3 different genres of music. i'm sorry but i can't remember them. complicated multi-syllable names and it was roughly two in the morning.i also learnt to make a paper box to put eraser rubbings. finally slept near 3. went to room 3 cos the guys invaded room 4. it was weird. we're in church, and all the guys and girls were moving freely in and out of each others rooms in the wee small hours of the morning.

finally woke up at 7.59 this morning cos it was way too cold. i was shivering in my jacket and sleeping bag. got my toothbrush and stuff from room 4. so scandalous. steve was sleepin there right next to eve. sat outside and soaked in the atmosphere for the last time. the morning parishioners spoilt it. kept staring at my shorts and slippers. but it was quite funny seeing their double-takes. went for 10.45 mass and saw my family. nanapok of a brother kept smiling and waving and calling my name. sounds cute when its not happening to you. after mass, went back, watched a powerpoint of us during camp :) and had a debrief.
broke camp at 12.45.

i miss camp. *sigh*

7:19:00 PM

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"baby, all i want for christmas.."

1. hoop earrings! the giant kind that make you feel like askin "where's the parrot?"
2. new paintbrushes! the kind they sell at Artfriend, by some Robert guy. oooh, they're soo nice, chestnut brown brushhair, with that gold rim, and the emerald-coloured stem..
3. cd by George Gershwin( if he has one). he, is the greatest modern composer man..
4. if i can't get a cd, his scoresheets would be good too.
5. a sudden increase of IQ overnight, to cope with sec 3 work. this one, i don't mind coming any time..
6.a whole yummy ham all to myself. i'm so greedy :)
7. an electric guitar! plus amp, plus distortion pedal.
8. new A6 sketchbook. my old one's runnin out of pages
9.any of the below packaged in a tux, wrapped in ribbon and under my tree!
- alex polstra
- edison chen
- takashi kineshiro
- or closer to home, the guy whose name starts w 'I' :)

1:00:00 PM

Saturday, December 10, 2005

i'm going for campppp! only one prob... no packin list!!! aiyoo.
campcampcampcampcampcamp :)))

3:05:00 PM

Friday, December 02, 2005

hmmm. i haven't bloggd for a while. time to update the world.
Secondhand Lions (the movie) rocks! it's super meaningful and nice and the lion isn't too bad either :))

for those who haven't watched it, its bout this boy- david( haley joel osment) who gets sent to a farm that his two old granduncles stay on.(michael caine... and i can't rmb the other guy's name). he learns all sorts of things bout life, and the uncles are really cute and funny in their old-mannish kinda way.

throughout the movie, i was lookin at young haley and thinking "man, he looks familiar." After the movie it struck me.


Mr Osment Jesse Mccartney Aaron Carter Nick Carter

Don't it look so scary how similar they look??! (if any of you guys out there are , heaven forbid, fans of the above, i apologise if they don't look nice in their mugshots.)

Back to my point. Looks like Hollywood's going the way Adolf Hitler did; he favoured the blonde haired, blue eyed, and planned to exterminate the rest that didn't fit into his idea of The Perfect Race. imagine, if he'd succeeded, the world would be full of ..shudder...walking, breathing, living BARBIE DOLLS! (cue the soundtrack of Twilight Zone). Eeeeeee...

jammed with my cousins. we're still tryin to trash out the songs we can play, but we got all our instruments worked out.
Edwin- bassist
Marianne-keyboardist/ vocalist
Me? Jack of all trades, master of none.

I'm thinkin smashmouth, counting crows, aerosmith.
the guys are thinking black sabbath, metallica etc. Refuse to even try aerosmith. nanapoks. never mind, we'll survive.

Heard another band, my cousin's friend's. they're good. cept for their vocalist.there, they might have a leetle miniscule problem. yupp.

4:34:00 PM