lesson learnt: never go out without lipgloss.
It all started on sunday morning. i din have to go to church, and the ENTIRE lazy mood carried on to music class in the afternoon. i wore guy board shorts(which are EXTREMELY comfy, btw), a loose black shirt, so noone could see any.. shape, and no gloss or hairband or anything girly. plus, keeep in mind my hairstyle. picture me?
good. so all went well til after music class, when i was walkin out of the centre. there was this group of guys in front of me. so one turned around and stared for a while, then he whispered to his friends. one by one, all turned around to inspect me. and it was freakin BLATANT! so i just stared back.
after all got a look, some more whispering. i swear, they were more feminine than i was-all that whispering and GIGGLING. Because the Gigglers were takin up the entire walkway, i moved to walk thru their group.
Moses had an easier time parting the Red Sea. first they all moved to right, then to the left, finally two on each side. after i walked out, i realised why.
one guy said super loudly: " his face is f***ing girly". The Gigglers thought they were giving way to a guy their age.
11:19:00 AM
Ahhhh! last night was so incredibly whacked!
st mary's had a joget night,( i think it means sth to do with dance- in malay), so all these peranekan old ladies were turning up in their kebayas. Then the live band played all these oldies like 'achy breaky heart', and 'La Bamba', and i was dancing like mad with my cousin.
Considering he's less than 0.9m tall, our dancing was basically jumping around, cos i din noe any dance steps and neither did he. kindergardens are so gay. which one do you do teaches its guy students to twirl? but nooo, if we weren't jumping, we were twirling. after we danced, my cousin made me do breathing/cooling down exercises. bend, put your arms in the air...
i think the party spirit eventually hit everyone. there was this crazy conga line jumping all round the piazza and paul and ryan were one of the first few heading it. it was damn funny. then it eventually broke off , either because they were exhausted or because the little kids at the back couldn't keep up.
then we had to go home cos my sister;s infection hit her ears and they were really aching.
oh well. hope she's gets better soon.
ahhhhh.. so much fun!!! :)))
1:16:00 AM
10 reasons why i'll miss thompson:
1. Nature surrounds you!
Monkey, snake, birds, crazy iguana sittin in a tree.. its like a petting zoo! :))
2. Location is everything.
Its so convenient! Right smack in the middle of everywhere.
3. 156 passes our school. i take 156. 156 passes OTHER schools. i stop at the bus- stop
OUTSIDE the other schools :))
4. Walkin up the incredibly long slope is good exercise.
5. The compound is HUGE.
Its impossible to feel claustraphobic.Plus that means we didn't have to share canteens with
the REST of the school.
6. The fresh un-HDBised air.
We're on a hill.
7. We didn't have to hear the inhabitants of near-by HDB blocks washing their breakfast plates.
We're gonna be THAT near.
8.We went to other schools to do our 2.4walk/ run- 6 rounds.
Now we gotta run 12 rounds of the friggin track.
9. We're in the same compound as the PRIMARY school.
Hmmm. might not be a bad thing, i used to think the secondary girls were awe- inspiring.
Then i became one of them..
10. 156.. refer to reason no. 3
1:33:00 PM
MissUnderstood. that's me.
Horny? that doesn't sound anything like me!
and it's all that little girl's fault...
it started in mass. there was this shuai guy in front of me, and this little girl next to him. i was lookin all INNOCENT in baby pink and white tee, with jeans. you CANNOT get more average than that.
so we were all kneeling down, and suddenly somebody wolf-whistled.
my eyes flew open, and i think the cute guy thought someone was whistling at him. it wasn't that loud. just extremely clear. so my eyes were open, and i saw him stiffen. he looked to the left- his friends were still praying. he looked in front- still praying. that left only the back( me) and his side.
it was so super obvious that it couldn't be me. i mean, come on, in church?? (not that i'd whistle OUTSIDE of church..) but i could tell that he was dying to turn around. his head twitched to the right, then to the left. then everybody started getting up, so he stole a peek around.
obviously i stared back.he stared for a while( like i'd whistle?!)then he must have decided that it wasn't me. we were getting up when BOTH of us heard the wolf-whistle again. so i turned and stared at the culprit like he did.
oh myyy. the expression of horror on his face... it remains imprinted in my memory.
the wolf- whistler was this little girl, about 6 or 7. and she stared back at him and smiled.oh meeee oh myy.innocence of little children? not in this age.
1:09:00 PM
argh. i'm seriously screwed. i got into the combi i wanted. but i'm still not happy. i should have taken pure geog.. then i'll get to 3/2. i picked 3/4 cos of the bio combi, but now i find there're bio girls in 3/2!!!
*throws temper tantrum*(this is not me.)
oh well.. listen to these two songs at www.artistdirect.com.
>dirty little secret- all american rejects
>stars- switchfoot
and since you're at it..
>treasure planet theme song- John rzenik
i love these songs *cheesy grin*
7:38:00 PM
i used to think my life was boring, mundane and totally uninteresting...
now, i take it all back. seriously, all of it. i got lost on friday, and yesterday i got stuck in the restaurant toilet. what's gonna happen next? wait, touch wood; i don't want to find out.
i can't name the restaurant cos of internet defamation laws, yada yada.. niwae, as inferred from above, i got stuck in the toilet. i think it has sth to do with my turning the lock twice, but hey, who knew? the door was made of SOLID wood, so i was twisting and turning the silly lock clockwise and anti-clockwise, but it wouldn't budge.
the toilet was this room. with 2 cubicles each for guys and girls, so luckily my uncle came in, and my sister told him what happened. somehow, word leaked out, and like flies to jam,( or maybe because the dinner was boring) all my kaypoh cousins came to watch the spectacle.
they called the waitress, and when SHE couldn't get the lock unstuck, she shouted in cantonese, for area 3 or sth. i dunno, couln;t hear her properly..then the manager came, and HE couldn;t move the locks, and then they were all shouting in cantonese to get someone called robert.
all this while i was leaning against the wall in that stifling cubicle, all calm and collected, while everyone was shouting at me not to worry, the manager asked how old i was. i guess he assumed that it was a young kid cos they were acting so panicky. my uncle told him i was " a little over ten".
seriously. my family can be so embarrassing.
then, the locksmith came and fiddled with the lock. it was damn scary- the handle and lock were moving all by themselves. and the toilet was the automatc kind that kept flushing everytime i moved a limb in its direction.finally, they gave up and just busted the door. apparently, the guy kicked it in. i dunno, all i heard was bam,bam, BOOM!!! and i was freee..
i'll never EVER take fresh air for granted.
6:14:00 PM
i now have this terrible fear of getting LOST. And i blame metro, the expo, and my distant ancestors for passing down such a lousy sense of direction. yupp.
it all started with the lousy metro sale, at the lousy s'pore expo. i've never liked shopping, dunno WHAT possessed me to step into that scary scary place. all i wanted was the white belt, so i went back to get it. turn around; and my mommy's GONE! never felt so lost. lucky, i had my trusty phone( the wonders of technology). whip it out..
me: mommy, where are you?
her: homelinen
me: oh, ok
(put down phone)
hurrying as fast as i can, on my short legs, i make my way to home linen. circle the stupid area dunno how many times before i realise there's another HOMELINEN sign at 0200. never felt so stupid, and the repeated announcements of lost kids, lost grandparents and lost maids don't help at all.
by the time i reach homelinen, i'm off again cos my mommy's somewhere else too! pause for a moment to envision myself at the announcer's table.
"Attention all shoppers. a 14-year old girl has been found. will her parents please come to Counter 10 to pick her up."
decide against better judgement and remain lost for what seems like hours. finally, i lean against the fake wood( i think its plywood) walls in exhaustion. call my mom for i think the hundredth time. apparently what im doing now- staying in one place- is what i should have done a long time ago cos my family looms in sight almost immediately.
i swear, when i star making my own money, its online shopping. FOR GOOD.
12:12:00 PM
Went bowling at Yio Chu Kang Grassroots club with kerli, michelle, yi fen,lynda, audrey, isabelle and tessa.( isabelle,audrey and tessa played pool first) yeah, i got a strike on my FIRST try! so victory dance, w00t w00t, then i turn around and see that i bowled in the wrong lane, so score for michelle! argh.
then this scary-lookin girl in jeans way too small and tight for her asked us if her group could have a ball, since no one said anything, i was all "yeah, kae". turns out the hideous purple ball she took was the ONLY ball audrey could bowl with. the silly ball was what, 6 pounds, and audrey's taller than 170!
so niwae, ms big mouth( me) had to go and get it back, cos i was the one who said they could take it.. they were actually quite nice about it, only this horsey-faced one kept shooting dagger eyes at me. i suppose she liked the ball as much as audrey did, but hellooo, if i wanted to be shot daggers at, i would have joined the circus..PLus, i said sorry so many times. (i saw her later on the train to jurong east, and she was still at it!) oh well.
After playing 2 games, it was getting boring, so we went outside to the arcade( if you can call it one, its so small!) audrey and lynda stayed stayed inside to play pool. raced with yifen- i won!!! then kerli had to come and beat me...
then the arcade also got boring. so we were discussing where to go. kerli and yi fen were going to the National Library at City Hall, lynda and isabelle were going window shopping , audrey and tessa were... i dunno. i think they left while i was racing with kerli. couldn't decide who to go with, so i just went home with michelle.
just cos i didn't feel like going out, my mom and sister think i don't have a life. which is extremely unfair. "the flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all" -Mulan's father
ahaha, take that.
2:09:00 AM